motor neuron

Motor Neuron Disease : Stem Cell Treatment in India

Motor neuron disease is one such dreadful condition which compels the brain and the spinal nerve cells lose its functioning. There was a time when there was a prevalent notion that this disease is incurable. The progression of this neuro degenerative disease can be curtailed now because of the advent of medical science and the emergence of stem cell treatment. Nevertheless, before proceeding further, let’s have a look at some of the interesting facts about motor neuron disease.

Motor Neuron Disease Facts

Here are a few key pointers that you should know about motor neuron disease:

  • This disease only affects the nerve cells which send messages
  • This is a progressive disease which will eventually result in problems with breathing
  • Issues that can lead to motor neuron disease include genetics, environment, and virus
  • Stem cell therapy for motor neuron disease has become a very effective treatment measure
  • Previously, the post-diagnosis life expectancy was between 3 to 10 years but now with stem cell supplements, it has increased a lot.

Risk Factors for Motor Neuron Disease

There are certain risk factors associated with motor neuron disease. Let’s have a look at them:

• Age: The risk of catching motor neuron disease increases a lot after 40 years of age. Moreover, the chances elevate a lot further between 55 to 75 years.

• Men: Though it is still an unknown fact, it has come to notice that men suffer more from motor neuron disease than women.

• Heredity: There are several cases inpatients of motor neuron disease.

Apart from these, some medical experts tend to link military experiences with motor neuron disease as those who work in the military has a higher chance of catching this disease. Moreover, another section of experts tends to associate motor neuron disease with football.

Diagnosis of Motor Neuron Disease

Diagnosis of motor neuron disease can be a bit tricky. It is very hard to figure out whether the patient is suffering from motor neuron disease or not at the early stages because the symptoms of motor neuron disease are same with the other conditions like Parkinson’s disease and many others.

So, the earliest of stages, a primary care medical practitioner will refer the patient to a neurologist who is a specialist in treating conditions related to the human nervous system. The specialist will look to find out the complete medical history and have a physical examination of your nervous system. Some of the tests the doctor might suggest include:

    • Urine and Blood Tests: With urine and blood test, the doctor will eliminate other cases and check the rise of creatinine kinase which gets produced during muscle breakdown. Also, the patients of motor neuron disease have creatinine kinase in their blood.
    • MRI Scan & EMG/NCV: Through an MRI scan, the doctor will not be able to detect motor neuron disease but he or she will be able to eliminate other conditions like a brain tumor, stroke, etc. Also, EMG and NCV test is also very much helpful to diagnose this disease.
    • Muscle Biopsy: To figure out whether the patient is having any muscle problem, the doctor might suggest a muscle biopsy.

After watching the results of the tests, the doctor will keep on monitoring the patient before confirming whether the patient has motor neuron disease or not. Subsequently, the doctor will suggest the course of action for motor neuron disease treatment in India.

Final Thoughts

With the advancement in the medical sector, now, no medical condition can be deemed as incurable. So, if any of your relatives are suffering from motor neuron disease then you should know stem cell therapy in India is one of the most effective ways of treating this dreadful condition. Stem cell cure in India has done plenty of cases in the last 7-8 years and achieved satisfactory result such as stabilization of such progressive disease and also increase muscles power.