muscular dystrophy

Get Stem Cell Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a collection of genetic disorders characterized by the gradual weakening and deterioration of skeletal muscles. This group of conditions, numbering more than 30, exhibits differences in the age at which symptoms appear, the level of severity, and the specific muscles affected. Over time, all forms of MD result in the worsening of muscle degeneration and weakness. For many individuals with MD, the loss of mobility, including the ability to walk, becomes an unfortunate reality.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a group of genetic conditions that progressively weaken skeletal muscles and can impact other organs. These disorders are exacerbated by inflammation, and one approach to managing them involves reducing this inflammatory response.

Stem Cell Treatment in India

Muscles consist of numerous fibers, with each fiber-containing cell enclosed within an outer membrane. These muscle fibers, which collectively form specific muscles, are held together by connective tissue. Muscular dystrophy treatment in India is a global condition that can affect individuals of any racial background. The occurrence of this disorder varies since certain forms are more widespread than others, and specific types may be more common in particular countries or regions. Many muscular dystrophies have a familial component, implying that there is a history of the disease within affected families. Contact Stem Cell Cure India via email or by the contact number provided to avail the best treatment in India for your muscles.

Muscles spring into action when a signal travels from the brain, through the spinal cord and peripheral nerves connecting the central nervous system to sensory organs and muscles. This signal eventually reaches the neuromuscular junction, a tiny gap between the nerve fiber and the muscle it activates. At this juncture, the introduction of a chemical known as acetylcholine sets off a series of events that ultimately lead to muscle contraction.

Treatment & Management for Muscular Dystrophy

In India, there is a substantial investment in stem cell therapy for the treatment of patients with severe medical conditions. This therapeutic approach commences with a comprehensive pre-treatment assessment, encompassing essential procedures such as Aldolase, AST, and LDH blood tests, as well as infection and myoglobin and genetic testing. Additionally, evaluating creatinine levels, conducting a thorough physical examination, and a detailed review of the patient’s medical history are integral components of the process. X-ray imaging may also be employed to gain insights into the patient’s condition. These steps collectively ensure a well-informed and tailored approach to stem cell therapy, enhancing its effectiveness in critical illness management. These pre-treatment evaluations are conducted with utmost care and attention to detail to ensure that the stem cell therapy is personalized and effective for each patient.

Thus far, the results of Stem Cell Treatment have demonstrated a remarkable success rate, with approximately more than 85% of patients experiencing significant improvements with stability. These positive outcomes encompass increased muscle strength, reduced stiffness, enhanced muscle mass, improved balance, decreased tremor occurrences, and expanded range of motion and also keep stabilised for a long time.

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