optic nerve atrophy treatment in south africa

Reasons Why People Opt For Stem Cell Treatment

If you have been having problems with your joints, know that there may be a nonsurgical option for you that is not physical therapy or medicine: stem cell therapy.

Stem cell therapy is not a new thing. Doctors have been using it for years to treat and sometimes even cure many illnesses, from burns and eye problems to cancer. Indeed, new research shows that stem cells can be used to make new bone, cartilage, tendons, muscle, ligaments, vertebral annular discs, and even erectile tissue.

Many people are excited about the future of regenerative medicine. Doctors can now offer treatment options that are less risky, less painful, and less invasive than many other options, like surgery. Here are three reasons why stem cell treatment for Optic Nerve Atrophy in South Africa is better than traditional surgery:

 Less Invasive Than Surgery

Stem cells are found naturally in adults’ bodies. They can be found in many places, like blood, dental pulp, bone marrow and skin. Stem cell therapy clinics in South Africa only get adult stem cells from a patient’s either bone marrow, fat reserves and umbilical cord issue which is the best places to get them from.

Live ultrasound guidance and intravenously  injects a concentrated solution of stem cells to the required organ according to the patient’s clinical condition.

Stem cell therapy experts in South Africa perform umbilical cord tissue derived “Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which is one of the most advanced technology and provide better regeneration than other type of stem cell treatment technology. When stem cells are used in this way, they may be able to start making new cells to replace the ones that have been damaged, overused, diseased, and worn out.

Having only IV sedation and a local anesthetic means that patients don’t have to worry about the risks of surgery’s general anesthesia and incisions and the loss of mobility that often comes with surgery. There are fewer risks with stem cell therapy than with surgery, and it usually has the same results as surgery.

Less Time Consuming Than Surgery

Stem cell Cure therapy is also a lot faster than many other options. The procedure itself and the time it takes to recover from it often take less time than surgery. The truth is that most patients can walk out of the office or home on their own on same day after stem cell transplantation. There is not mandatory to  stay in hospital stay, no long physical conditioning regimen after surgery, no massive restrictions on how much you can do, and no need to take a long time off. This means that patients can generally get back to their everyday lives faster than those who have surgery or other allopathic treatments.

Only Regenerative Option

Of course, the most crucial thing about Optic Nerve Atrophy treatment in Cape Town is that it can help people make new cells and tissue. Stem cell therapy for orthopedic conditions, on the other hand, uses a patient’s body parts to help regenerate cells, reduce inflammation, and repair tissue with fewer side effects than surgery.

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